Let's get your groups up and running........
Your club account is already set up on the network.
You now need to select one main club administrative email address to be the "Main" user for the Club.
This can be more than one person actually managing it, the system just needs one main, parent user.
This is important as Club Admins will obviously be able to control all content throughout the clubs groups, as well as remove members where necessary and change the manager of any groups later on down the track.
The next thing we need to do is get a list of the Groups that you want to start with (you can add other ones later as you have an unlimited number of groups). On the first row of the list of groups, note down the Club Admin email you have chosen.
Download the Starting Groups page (below), fill it in, then send it to sportsclubhq@thehqnetwork.com, and we'll do the rest for you.
We also have a Members Info Flyer which you can download, which gives you some content as to how to explain the network to your members.
Next step is to help get the Group leaders in your club ready to go.
We suggest that you supply them with the info flyer "Managing Your Group" as an intro into using the network from their perspective. We have also supplied a template page that coaches/managers can print off and take to training to get down everybody's relevant email addresses, to then be able to invite them into their specific group. This document is called Group User Details. Once this is complete these pages can be sent to us to invite the users, however it is very simple to invite users from within your group in the network.
That about sums it up, so to recap:
1. Get your Starting Groups down on paper and send it to: [email protected]
2. Download the Members Info Flyer and communicate to your members
3. Get the Group User Details form and the Managing Your Group document to the Group/Team leaders in your club. Email completed Group User details form to [email protected] if they would like us to invite users for them.
You now need to select one main club administrative email address to be the "Main" user for the Club.
This can be more than one person actually managing it, the system just needs one main, parent user.
This is important as Club Admins will obviously be able to control all content throughout the clubs groups, as well as remove members where necessary and change the manager of any groups later on down the track.
The next thing we need to do is get a list of the Groups that you want to start with (you can add other ones later as you have an unlimited number of groups). On the first row of the list of groups, note down the Club Admin email you have chosen.
Download the Starting Groups page (below), fill it in, then send it to sportsclubhq@thehqnetwork.com, and we'll do the rest for you.
We also have a Members Info Flyer which you can download, which gives you some content as to how to explain the network to your members.
Next step is to help get the Group leaders in your club ready to go.
We suggest that you supply them with the info flyer "Managing Your Group" as an intro into using the network from their perspective. We have also supplied a template page that coaches/managers can print off and take to training to get down everybody's relevant email addresses, to then be able to invite them into their specific group. This document is called Group User Details. Once this is complete these pages can be sent to us to invite the users, however it is very simple to invite users from within your group in the network.
That about sums it up, so to recap:
1. Get your Starting Groups down on paper and send it to: [email protected]
2. Download the Members Info Flyer and communicate to your members
3. Get the Group User Details form and the Managing Your Group document to the Group/Team leaders in your club. Email completed Group User details form to [email protected] if they would like us to invite users for them.
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